What is adultury

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Posted by Sue on September 06, 1998 at 09:27:11:

I recently found out that my husband and busniness partner of 15 years was engaged in self-gratification (masturbation) with the enhancement of phone sex. There are lots of ways to deny that it is a form of adultery, but he decided (five years ago when it started) to go outside the marriage. He fantasized both with these people on the phone and while we made love. He included me in these fantasies which involved bringing in another woman into the relationship. He claims that he had and has no desire to be with anyone else.
I find this all very disturbing since we had an extremely open relationship and I feel that he had many opportunities in five years to discuss this with me. I did know that he had this fantasy, but I never thought that he was acting out in this way.

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